Medical Sections

Radiology Department

Procedures perfomed IN OUR RADIOLOGY UNIT


Complete Abdominal USG

Upper Abdominal USG

Lower Abdominal USG

Urinary System USG

Obstetric USG

Breast USG

Thyroid USG

Neck USG

Skrotal (testis) USG

Cranial (Transfrontanel USG)

Soft Tissue USG

Superficial USG


Colored Doppler Ultrasonography (CDUSG)


Vertebral Arter



Portal Vein



Lower Extremity Arterial

Lower Extremity Venous

Upper Extremity Arterial

Upper Extremity Venous


Biopsy (US and CT Guided)

Breast Biopsies

-Fine Needle Insicional Biopsy

-True Cut Biopsy

Thyroid Biopsy

-Fine Needle Insicional Biopsy

-Liver Biopsy

-Mass Lesion Biopsy

-Prostate Biopsy


X-ray radiographs of all parts of the body are taken in high quality in our institution.


For the diagnosis of breast diseases, patients are followed up with mammography. An ultrasound-guided biopsy is performed and diagnosed in suspected cases.

Bone Dansitometry (DEXA)

We recommend performing this examination every year for early diagnosis and treatment of bone resorption (osteoporosis).

Full Body Computer Tomography (CT)

Vücutun tüm bölgelerinin BT ile incelemesi yapılmaktadır.

Open MRI

Our open EMAR device, which is very comfortable especially for patients with closed area fear (claustrophobia), is at our patients' service. 0.35 T Siemens brand MRI device is located in our center.

Kidney stones Treatment (ESWL)

We treat the kidney stone and the ureter stone with a pain-free stone-breaking device.

Bizimle çalışmak ister misiniz?

Ekibimizin bir parçası olmak için adresine Bilgilerinizi veya Cv nizi ekleyerek gönderebilirsiniz.

Doktor aranan branşlarımız

Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları, Göz Hastalıkları, Üröloji, Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Genel Cerrahi, Cildiye.
Emergency Support

Call us 24/7

0212 578 64 61

Is there a problem?

Please write to us!